霍华德叔叔原名:Uncle Howard,又名Smash the Control Machine
Director Howard Brookner died of **** in NYC in 1989 while in post-production on his breakthrough Hollywood movie. His body of work has been buried for 30 years in William Burroughs' bunker until his nephew Aaron unearths his uncle's story and the memory of everything he was.
大 蜹 蜹 2016-11-20
皮革业 2016-10-13
虔 2016-10-12
@ Film Society Lincoln Center w/ stella 前半篇儿睡着了…总体像Mapplethorpe的低配…
能人 2016-10-11
私人的一点触动,和我目前生活存在巨大巧合 Lincoln center 10/09
打少 2016-10-15
比较失望最后又是all about ****.