

别名:虎口余生 / 鹰口逃生

演员: D.W. Griffith Henry B. Walthall


更新时间: 03-10 21:10

资源状态: 可播放







从鹰巢中**原名:Rescued from an Eagle's Nest,又名虎口余生、鹰口逃生。1908年动作、短片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由J. Searle Dawley执导,集众多位D.W. Griffith、Henry B. Walthall等著名实力派明星加盟。于1908-01-16(美国)公映。


A woodcutter says good-bye to his wife and child, and then goes off to work. After he has left, the mother leaves the child outside their cabin to play. Suddenly, an eagle swoops down and carries off the child. When the mother realizes what has happened, she runs to tell her husband. He and the other lumberjacks immediately set out to find and rescue the child.

八部 2019-02-28

鹰巢脱险 rescued from an eagle’s nest

[已注销] 2020-07-18

两星半。“虎口余生”不一定得有**,人家这里大战的就是老鹰,而与之对抗的就是后来大名鼎鼎的格里菲斯。如今看这部默默无闻电影的观众,必定是因为格里菲斯或是鲍特——这是格里菲斯导演生涯之前所参演的电影,而担任摄影的正是《火车大劫案》的导演埃德温·鲍特。如今看来此片也算是有可取之处,最核心的自然是片尾悬崖大战,一百多年前的效果竟能看得我胆战心惊,但格里菲斯的舞台剧表演确实让观感减分不少,且鲍特在这儿也几乎没有发挥他的任何长处。 @2019-08-29 20:13:01

小餐枱沙發雪櫃 2021-07-17

油管上看的 有点模糊根本看不清格里菲斯啊hhh 书上说格里菲斯承袭了鲍特对电影时空表现手段的探索

momo 2018-12-17


stknight 2011-05-17

老鹰抓着小孩飞,格里菲斯是主演。A woodcutter says good-bye to his wife and child, and then goes off to work. After he has left, the mother leaves the child outside their cabin to play. Suddenly, an eagle swoops down and carries off the child. When the mother realizes what has hap

sirius_flower 2018-10-02

这什么奇怪的翻译 好歹是鹰口脱险吧 这部电影的意义大概在于Edwin Porter和Griffith的某种意义上的** 也是Griffith第一部出演的电影

喜欢大雷的** 2022-11-12


song2li 2017-04-19

鹰*着孩子,那么淡定的飞着也是醉了,D.W Griffith原来还做过如此的特技演员呀