To reveal the truth in another dimensionality. To prove the significance of documentaries in the same breath. Trauma was the sorrowful keyword. It's the political narrative that made it intractable to distinguish truth from misinformation. How do you like the so-called superior ******? “中国人就是可以把巨大的苦难转化为感恩”
bay135 2022-02-09
JieBiao 脉络清晰,资料珍贵。立场鲜明,画面有冲击力。中国段落如果能更深挖一层,美国段落有些片面能再补足一些立场。就是神作纪录片。
素水 2022-02-24
20220131看过,原条目短评被ban。像是一篇逻辑自洽的议**,时间仿佛又倒回到了两年前那些深夜睡不着觉在*******看chenqiushi视*的时候。Nanfu Wang提供了一个很独特的乡愁视角,就是在中国她是异乡人,在美国也是 positive这个词很有意思,既是正能量,也是阳性。
小麂 2022-03-25
we are forgetting the trauma,we,human beings learnt nothing.we dived into a man made fancy dream.
倒行逆施 2022-02-17
山青一二三 2022-12-02
404 not found 2022-02-21
lldjw 2024-05-19
To reveal the truth in another dimensionality. To prove the significance of documentaries in the same breath. Trauma was the sorrowful keyword. It's the political narrative that made it intractable to distinguish truth from misinformation. How do you like the so-called superior ******? “中国人就是可以把巨大的苦难转化为感恩”