How To Be A Lady – An Elegant History
Journalist Rachel Johnson goes in search of what seems an almost vanished social type: the lady. With a handful of vintage etiquette books to guide her and a generous helping of film archive, she wants to find out how the idea of the lady changed over time - and what it might mean to be one now. Along the way she tries out etiquette classes and side-saddle lessons, as well as d...
糯米团子是好物 2017-10-18
为何淑女文化重归主流?简单粗暴解释,经济衰退,保守主义大行其道,社会试图重新约束女性。同时,新兴**(暴发户)想要花钱购买社会地位。撇开这一切,proper English lady确实说话温婉礼仪完美(主要脸好看),ladette 太辣眼睛。
Judy 2018-03-04
You are not born to be a woman. You become one.这种想法又有趣又危险
西瓜冰沙 2017-12-16
B站看无字幕 最后作者抛出一个问题 为什么现在女性又想拥抱传统的淑女路线呢?经济形势不好导致更加保守主义吗?
九月五的酒 2018-08-14
下河迷人羊果朗 2017-11-21
我比较感兴趣绅士的品格 获得一股可以战胜命运所施加的困窘沮丧烦恼忧愁的内在力量 淑女的定义及流转 自信型的典范
D.R.S 2018-02-23