红矮星号 第八季原名:Red Dwarf Season 8,
Three million years ago, a radiation meijubar**** leak killed the crew of the mining ship, Red Dwarf. The only survivor was Dave Lister, the chicken soup machine repairman. He spends his time on the ship with a holographic projection of Arnold Rimmer (his dead bunkmate), Cat (a life-form that evolved from Dave's cat), Holly (the ship's senile computer), and Kryten (a ******* me...
**本番 2022-10-16
The Smeg It Is~ Love it to deathT3T
瓶中魔鬼v3 2023-12-11
复活好 rimmer肥了撞脸尹正 不过回来了真好啊阿啊阿啊阿啊阿TUT
恨的小屋 2021-12-13
全员复活带来最初Rimmer的设定我觉得好虐啊 这一季又变得很搞笑了!
橙子换马甲 2016-07-09
融雪 2021-07-12
虽然知道后面还要重启,但看到“The End”的时候还是有点失落😵没想到紧接着出来了“The Smeg It Is”,然**下立刻一片欣*的掌声。哈哈哈哈太棒啦!