Hojas de K.在线观看和下载

Hojas de K.(2022)

别名:Leaves of K.




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《Hojas de K.》相关推荐

苔原 约格·莫利纳、何塞·路易斯·阿帕里西奥·费雷拉
1. Umbra/ 08-15
2. Agwe/ 08-18
3. Out of Many/ 08-19
5. Liremu Barana/ 08-19
6. 无有恐惧/ 03-03
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 犯罪都市4/ 07-03
11. 海关战线/ 06-14
12. 功夫熊猫4/ 04-10

《Hojas de K.》剧情内容介绍

《Hojas de K.》


Hojas de K.又名Leaves of K.

Through her personal, impressionistic, and dreamlike drawings, K., a 17-year-old girl, shares her memories of the violence imposed upon her by the government of Daniel Ortega – a former leader of the Sandinista Revolution (1979-1989) who mutated from a rebel fighting a corrupt government to a ruthless dictator whose iron fist now causes K. to risk her life to protest injustice....

丹良 2022-08-07

#75thLocarnoFF#Open Doors shorts

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叙事就像流水账 LocarnoOpenDoors

阿飞 2022-08-03

#75th LocarnoFF#Open Doors shorts尼加拉瓜**史的私人化书写,较常规的伤痛叙事,画风略粗糙。

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#LocarnoOpenDoors# 一些protest的故事

言之 2022-08-05

#75thLocarnoFF# OpenDoors-Shorts "I carry them with me, but I don't let them define me."

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#75 Locarno Film Festival 意义大于制作

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Q影誌 2022-08-13

#locarno在线 天真的千篇一律的反zf**类叙事,流水账,而且开头的狗、梦中醒来抄袭《和巴什尔跳华尔兹》。虽然主角汇聚了很多人的故事,但片中她是中学生,可惜没有在年龄和身份上深挖,反而用其来博取同情,就像西方媒体一贯所作一样。

FGS 2022-07-15

其实不算纪录片,有点campaign film的味道

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