Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows在线观看和下载

Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows(1998)

演员: Bret Hart Owen Hart Brian Pillman




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《Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows》相关推荐

老师,别哭 董钒、王浩宇
学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 6.0
1. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
2. 坠落的审判/ 12-25
3. 悟·空/ 06-04
4. 默杀/ 07-21

《Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows》剧情内容介绍

《Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows》


Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows

What exactly goes on behind the scenes at the World Wrestling Federation? Take a guided insider's tour with Hitman Hart. Learn the business side of setting up matches and the theatrical preparations that go into every big match. With Spanish subtitles. ~ Laura Mahnken, All Movie Guide

hysterical 2020-07-08

早上听了Jordan B. Peterson播客,来看了这部纪录片~ 唏嘘不矣,最后Bret Hart一家人看着电视里的朱儒丑角“Hitman” Hart的表情,那种无奈和戏谑的感觉,令人无话可说;让我想起了权游里的Joffery, 在Purple Wedding上也找很多朱儒来扮之前和他作对的人!!!



VicWallflower 2023-02-06

无论是影像还是人物都比较contrived,看似是unveil the wrestling show biz,但呈现出的更像是one-sided的PR film。不过值得肯定的是,通过这段幕后故事的记录,让我们真实感受到所谓职业摔跤背后的阴暗的商业本质,而到底谁在为其狂热呢?我们都不说White,conservative,nationalist,可**似乎也不言而喻。