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Hero of Our Time(2022)

别名:Ήρωας του καιρού μας




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《Hero of Our Time》剧情内容介绍

《Hero of Our Time》


**** of Our Time又名Ήρωας του καιρού μας。2022年纪录片类型片,创作于保加利亚地区,具有保加利亚语语言版本。由斯韦特拉·措措尔科娃执导,于2022-03-10(塞萨洛尼基纪录片节)公映。


Georgi is a village builder contractor. He’s honest and direct. His values and moral ****** often clash with contemporary society’s. Seen as crazy by some, he is a source of endless aphorisms to others. To live your life with dignity and without compromise in our time is heroic.