黑霜原名:La helada negra,又名The Black Frost
Three farmers work on a farm in Entre Ríos, a sparsely populated lowland region of Argentina traversed by rivers. Their crops are affected by ‘black frost’ which threatens to destroy their harvest. One day, a young woman appears at their door; blithely and self-assuredly she begins to influence their familiar routines. The bewildered farmers yield to Alejandra’s interventions: ...
陳甜寶 2016-03-30
2016/3/27 19:30 GC 唔睇返HKIFF本書都唔知原來套戲係想講環保, 人與大自然既關係, 我睇左82分鐘都FEEL唔到.... 其實導演想講呢D野唔洗特登搵個疑似有神秘力量既少女黎做主線丫, 如果簡單D直接D可能仲好。
相叶家的小溜肩 2016-03-28
看得很烦躁…… 可能自身造诣太浅 T_T