The Dark Horse is an emotionally-charged and inspiring drama about a man who searches for the courage to lead, despite his own adversities - finding purpose and hope in passing on his gift to the children in his community.
原型 Genesis Potini, founder of Eastern Knights Chess Club (where underprivileged children found a home base and learned to play chess in the process, trilingual (Maori, English and Chinese), suffers from bipolar disorder.
° 2020-05-23
原型 Genesis Potini, founder of Eastern Knights Chess Club (where underprivileged children found a home base and learned to play chess in the process, trilingual (Maori, English and Chinese), suffers from bipolar disorder.
雨二厶 2016-06-25
3.5 终究是别人的生活,看完居然有一种空虚感
chaokunwang 2018-05-01
程式化中表现了许多非程式的生活之乱,让主题 - 象棋成为了一种目标而不是主题,文化和情绪上的细节展现是多于一般意义上的励志运动电影的,在手持的现实风格基础上一些色彩灯光以及背景灯光虚化的**增加了一丝浪漫主义的情怀...
Xiaohan 2016-09-24
拍得很好。也许true story就是这样吧,并不会成为什么惊世骇俗的励志故事。有些小孩要那样长大,真可怜
MrKiwiFruit 2017-05-25
又是一部新西兰电影,Cliff Curtis演的无可挑剔
zoe 2020-12-29
李艺琳 2023-04-18
安永透 2022-12-11
月华如水笼香砌 2019-02-12
韦🔥 2020-03-11
3.5☆ 还可以,不过我觉得有点**蛇尾了,整部电影就比了个赛,这就能改变那里孩子的人生了吗,我觉得这些比较重要的地方完全没有着墨...