黑暗崛起:战士的世界原名:Dark Rising: Warrior of Worlds,
There are two Earths. Our Earth is a place where magic and Demons are things of folklore and legend. Dark Earth, is a dimension created in the high middle ages to separate us from Demons and other creatures, ushering in a new age. Man was left in peace, safe for the most part from the demon onslaught. A mythical object known as the Tether remains hidden on this Earth. This obje...
阿钧猫唧 2020-09-14
傻乎乎的台词,配上原本就糟糕的不知所云的字幕,廉价的道具和化妆实在无法入眼,Brigitte Kingsley确实性感漂亮,除此之外整部片子就真的很难看了……