Happy Now在线观看和下载

Happy Now(2002)

演员: 帕迪·康斯戴恩 理查德·柯伊尔 艾恩·格拉法德 苏珊·林奇 欧姆·普瑞




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《Happy Now》剧情内容介绍

《Happy Now》


Happy Now

All grown up and gunning for political power in a small North Wales community, Glen Marcus and his best mate harbour a dark secret which seems to be coming back to haunt them. But can the daughter of Tina Trent, a local woman just returned from Alaska, be the same girl the two lads buried fourteen years earlier? Only local policeman Max Bracchi can solve the case with the **** ...

李大西 2011-08-06

没有字幕啊。。硬看下去了。。。剧情一般。。我不喜欢Emmy Rossum