Hahamakin Lahat在线观看和下载

Hahamakin Lahat(1990)

别名:All Be Damned

演员: 薇尔玛·桑托斯 Snooky Serna 加比·康塞普西翁




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《Hahamakin Lahat》剧情内容介绍

《Hahamakin Lahat》


Hahamakin Lahat又名All Be Damned

All Be Damned (Hamakin Lahat) tells the story of two completely different couples whose nostalgia for their past weaves for them in the present a web of deceit and conspiracy. A poor and struggling couple, Renato's (Gabby Conception) and Teresa's (Snooky Serna) marriage and love are challenged by a series of unfortunate events - from miscarriages, eviction from their apartment,...

丁一 2014-03-09


HurryShit 2012-10-05

首尾兩場宴會收起來就漂亮了,但**** Brocka總愛開一條光明的出口。