国家地理:奇闻大揭秘原名:National Geographic: Is It Real?,2005年纪录片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Amy Doyle、Noel Dockstader执导,集众多位Will Lyman、Ian Gregory、Benjamin Radford、Joe Nickell、Kevyn Settle等著名实力派明星加盟。
Season 1 1. Crop CirclesMarch 28, 2005Are crop circles really cryptic messages from alien life forms, or just a rural post-pub practical joke? 2. BigfootMarch 28, 2005Is there a giant primate living in the world's wilderness areas or is Bigfoot just a figment of our imagination? 3. GhostsApril 25, 2005Countless people claim to have seen ghosts - have they real...
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国家地理“奇闻大揭秘”(Is It Real?)系列,讨论历史上一些著名的神秘案例,包括百慕大三角、亚瑟王传说、麦田怪圈、图坦卡蒙的诅咒、亚特兰蒂斯、不明飞行物、苏门答腊小矮人、湖怪、人体自燃、***密码、吸血鬼、尼安德特人,等等。