故梦原名:Le grand Meaulnes,又名The Wanderer
Rural France, the 1890s. Always in motion, Augustin wanders three times. First, as a youth, while a boarder near Bourges, he's lost in the woods and finds a chateau where an engagement *****'s in progress: there he falls eternally in love with Yvonne and she with him. Back at school, he hears she is in Paris, so he follows in a vain search and meets a woman, jilted by her lover...
大奇特(Grinch) 2014-02-23
按时对话法 2016-12-17
运茶船 2024-11-29
改编自Alain-Fournier的同名小说《大莫纳》,80年代捷克导演Antonín Kachlík也有翻拍。镜头极具想象力,冰晶般的散光镜头,拍他人所未拍,今日来看仍有先锋气质。但总觉得Albicocco的文本处理跟他几年前的《金眼女郎》一样有些糙了,低配版的德尔沃。