别名:Тайная история "Архипелага ГУЛАГ" / Taynaya Istoriya “Arkhipelaga GULAG” / Secret History: The Gulag Archipelago
演员: 亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴
《古拉格群島》秘史原名:L'Histoire Secrète de l'Archipel du Goulag,又名Тайная история "Архипелага ГУЛАГ"、Taynaya Istoriya “Arkhipelaga GULAG”、Secret History: The Gulag Archipelago
On 12 December 2009, the Russian channel Rossiya K showed the French television documentary L'Histoire Secrète de l'Archipel du Goulag made by Jean Crépu and Nicolas Miletitch and translated into Russian under the title Taynaya Istoriya “Arkhipelaga GULAG” (Secret History: The Gulag Archipelago). The documentary covers events related to creation and publication of The Gulag Arc...