

演员: David H. Koch



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哪吒之魔童闹海 吕艳婷、囧森瑟夫 8.5
角斗士2 保罗·麦斯卡、佩德罗·帕斯卡 6.4
1. 唐探1900/ 02-01
2. 忠犬八公/ 10-12
3. 女囚风暴1995/ 10-12
4. 老师,别哭/ 10-24




公民科赫原名:Citizen Koch,

When Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker stripped state workers of their union rights in 2011, was it simply a classic face-off between labor and management, or a bold political move designed to weaken his *****'s political opposition? Set against the rise of the Tea ***** and Occupy movements, the US Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United, and the 2012 presidential campaig...

Chris-tin-a 2017-07-24

误打误撞看的。主线是Scott Walker的当选,recall election,和再次胜出,以及背后Koch brothers的大力资金支持。但背景里茶党崛起和*****声音显得喧宾夺主了。我不认为让公司财团可以挥霍资金去支持选举合理,也愈发看到两党和底层选民的隔阂。选举怎样才能实现最大程度的公平,似乎越来越难了。

skeeter 2016-09-17


Chery 2015-08-17

For 75 dollars, you get a PBS tote bag; for 23 million, you get PBS' nut sack

旭亮搜神记 2019-02-25

They should have dig it deeper. Nobody really pays attention to the influence from East.