革命中的第一夫人原名:First Lady of the Revolution,又名革命第一夫人
First Lady of the Revolution is the remarkable story of Henrietta Boggs, a Southern belle who takes a life-altering journey through marriage, civil war and audacious democratic reforms to become the First Lady of Costa Rica.
雨过风清且徐行 2021-09-16
Instituto Cervantes 2021.09.16 | La revolución y el amor desde la perspectiva femenina
拉美电影观察 2018-09-19
Villegas 2018-09-18
L'llariit 2021-10-11
断断续续看了四天,70分钟时长内容算是丰富,与哥国历史串联是合适的点到为止,但我只喜欢第一天内对于中美洲的american propaganda,henrietta回忆如何在irazu火山12000英尺高处驰骋在山地摩托上的罗曼史和don pepe与世无争地隐居在la lucha sin fin农庄部分
千花君 2017-04-26