This is one of Harold Lloyd's most enjoyable short comedies,but if things had turned out differently it might never have been made at all。GET OUT AND GET UNDER was one of the first films Lloyd appeared in after recovering from a freak accident that nearly claimed his life。
刘建明 2013-01-03
丁一 2021-04-05
stknight 2012-03-10
This is one of Harold Lloyd's most enjoyable short comedies,but if things had turned out differently it might never have been made at all。GET OUT AND GET UNDER was one of the first films Lloyd appeared in after recovering from a freak accident that nearly claimed his life。
鸡头井。 2015-04-15
阳光辣着背了 2017-10-10
崔喜悦 2012-02-25
the boy终于开始富了,这回是一个自己开着崭新汽车的话剧演员。对车爱护至极,五把锁车库,还要锁住车轮。开在路上后半路竟然在得意炫耀的时候坏了,好不容易修好又停不下来了。屡次在大街上被一群警察追之后这次被好几辆开摩托的警察追,都升级啦!个人觉得一开场的梦境跟后面联系不大,无厘头。
乧牖zumio 2022-09-16