

演员: Gerard K. O'Neill 艾萨克·阿西莫夫 Freeman Dyson



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走走停停 胡歌、高圆圆 8.0
学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
1. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
2. 海关战线/ 06-14
3. 制暴/ 01-04
4. 孤注一掷/ 02-02




高边疆:杰拉德·K·奥尼尔的不为人知的故事原名:The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerard K. O’Neill,

The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerard K. O’Neill uncovers the legacy of Princeton physicist and ***** visionary, Dr. Gerard K. O’Neill, who wrote the 1977 book, The High Frontier: Human Colonies in *****. The book and O’Neill’s subsequent activism sparked a grassroots movement to build Earth-like habitats in ***** in order to solve Earth’s greatest crises; a vision that...