别名:Armistead Maupin's Further Tales of the City
演员: Olympia Dukakis Laura Linney Paul Hopkins Barbara Garrick Jackie Burroughs
更进一步的城市传说原名:Further Tales of the City (Mini),又名Armistead Maupin's Further Tales of the City
This third installment to "Tales of the ****" finds Mary Ann Singleton struggling to advance in her new career as a TV personality, while Michael Tolliver is playing the field after his break-up with Jon Fielding. After her divorce, Prue Giroux finds comfort in a mysterious stranger she meets in the park. Brian Hawkins is struggling with his *** and his new monogamous relations...
文泽尔 2021-01-15
颇具趣味 LauraLinney的部分有加分
基瑞尔 2020-02-29
横向比较Showtime同期的美版QAF,或者纵向对标彼时上演着的“LGBTQ剧集**期第一代”的许多作品,这部明显侧重于生活化故事的剧集自然在后期**盘点和梳理为人自然遗忘。本部的惊喜是我Oh客串的角色,真的很好笑!结尾的落点给了Mary Ann和Brian一个很**的结局。第三辑大概是全系列最短的一次了,不太懂Showtime为什么不顺着把Armistead的书继续改下去。
[已注销] 2020-07-21
一贯的搞笑和悬疑。weho的名人泳池派对,danceclub,blue handkerchief ,bathhouse, g.h.phole, handcuffs, 兜兜转转还是要想明白自己想要什么。感谢导演的尺度。
rain 2019-08-16
Xenia 2020-04-16
Sandra Oh有客串!看的时候一直回想Laura在**里讲邻居故事的样子
退了退了 2020-05-30
贺新郎 2010-11-16