福尔摩斯的困惑原名:Sherlock Holmes Baffled,又名福尔摩斯受挫记
The earliest known film featuring Sherlock Holmes was produced for showing in Mutoscope machines in amusement arcades. Running time: 30 seconds. The production date was 26th April 1900. with a satiric "story" completely unrelated to any written tale we may know. It's a half-minute of nonsense. A burglar can appear & disappear at random. Holmes tries to ignore him by smoking a c...
余啸 2020-04-18
Flicker Alley于2015年发行的《夏**福尔摩斯》蓝光收录的花絮短片 这部30多秒的片是目前所知最早福尔摩斯的电影(其实和福尔摩斯没啥关系),国会图书馆收藏,用的还是梅里埃的手法
晚安好运©️ 2010-02-17
胤祥 2011-04-03
American Mutoscope & Biograph,最早的“福尔摩斯电影”,梅里爱式的鬼把戏。
刘小黛 2010-09-08
a thief who can appear and disappear at random steals a sack of items from Sherlock Holmes. At each point, Holmes' attempts to thwart the intruder end in failure
小陪衬品 2013-04-04
Panda的影音 2021-10-19
福尔摩斯的困惑 Sherlock Holmes Baffled (1900):https://***.bilibili****/video/av2167611 —— 据说是世界上第一部福尔摩斯“电影”。
囍弗斯 2021-04-24
MHK 2025-01-24
花束 2010-08-18
薄荷灰 2016-11-25
豆瓣简介里说:"The earliest known film featuring Sherlock Holmes...It's a half-minute of nonsense. "看完之后的唯一感受是:额,这就没了?(不过在电影早期让人在电影里随意出现和消失也是个创新吧。。)