太好了哈,我没笑的地方都是我没看懂的。匹诺曹和灰姑**故事改编很搞,PTSD的解释也很绝。但没什么比得上结尾,如果Bill Hicks那个life is just a ride是我最爱的结尾,这个就是第二个。 I'm not saying don't have hope. If you have a dream, if you have an ambition, please, go for it, because I love to watch cunts like you struggle. If I had to build and maintain the ride, I would stretch piano wire across the bottom of the rollercoaster so that everybody finished the ride with a photograph of themselves with two thumbs up and no fucking head.
Love the bit about misusing words to manipulate people, especially the PTSD part and the constant shitting on McIntyre. And the childhood trauma. And hope being overrated for people who build the ride of life.
PerplexedonDB 2019-12-29
Frankie Boyle 这张嘴啊,这脑洞啊!
Persona 2020-03-20
太好了哈,我没笑的地方都是我没看懂的。匹诺曹和灰姑**故事改编很搞,PTSD的解释也很绝。但没什么比得上结尾,如果Bill Hicks那个life is just a ride是我最爱的结尾,这个就是第二个。 I'm not saying don't have hope. If you have a dream, if you have an ambition, please, go for it, because I love to watch cunts like you struggle. If I had to build and maintain the ride, I would stretch piano wire across the bottom of the rollercoaster so that everybody finished the ride with a photograph of themselves with two thumbs up and no fucking head.
Virgil 2019-05-02
Cave 2018-06-03
Dennison 2020-04-27
Love the bit about misusing words to manipulate people, especially the PTSD part and the constant shitting on McIntyre. And the childhood trauma. And hope being overrated for people who build the ride of life.
赤琥珀 2016-09-03
张华弥 2017-11-19
这一场有意思的是直接调侃了Gervais、Mclntyre和向Bill Hicks致敬,单口演员没有希望绝对活不下去