Francis Bacon and the Brutality of Fact在线观看和下载

Francis Bacon and the Brutality of Fact(1987)

演员: Francis Bacon David Sylvester



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《Francis Bacon and the Brutality of Fact》相关推荐

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《Francis Bacon and the Brutality of Fact》剧情内容介绍

《Francis Bacon and the Brutality of Fact》


Francis Bacon and the Brutality of Fact

In his London studio, the British painter discusses his work and approach with David Sylvester, a friend and close observer of his art since the late 1940s. Central to their conversation are Bacon's controversial, horrifying subjects and style. His representations of the human figure in portraits and triptychs link him, in his view, to the distorted realism of Van Gogh and Pica...

Lulu 2020-02-14
