Flexing with Monty
Monty is a bodybuilder. His gym is the very heart of his existence. He is aggressively male, outrageously narcissistic and a bigot. Sharing this strange world is Monty's cerebral and emotionally wounded younger brother, Bertin. One stormy day, the brothers' bizarre but settled lives are suddenly disrupted by the unexpected arrival of Lilith, a Catholic nun collecting contributi...
ryan 2010-03-30
這片真是一個傳奇 1994年開拍 2003年主角死了 2008年終於完成了 主角的第一部影片也是最後一部 無比爛的內容 亂倫 和***沒有什麼關系..一顆星給男二號 真是萌得我心花怒放天花亂墜 可惜好像只有這一部片..栽在爛片手裡 再帥都難**啊.. = =
hayden 2019-02-14
NeverNeverLand 2017-04-05