别名:Secrets of the Wind
演员: 可银 Anh QUOC 黄燕·奇薇
上映时间:2019-10-04(釜山电影节) / 2020-02-07(越南)
更新时间: 08-31 02:03
资源状态: 可播放
风的秘密原名:Bí Mât Cua Gió,又名Secrets of the Wind
Linh, an art student, moves to a new house where she encounters a *****. She helps him to uncover the mysterious cause of his death realizing what’s important in her life.
越南疫情差不多后这部片又重见天日了,我赶紧去看,看完后眼泪直流,真的好看、好笑又感人的一部片! 4.5/5
@大月半子 2022-08-20
ericxu 2020-12-02
越南疫情差不多后这部片又重见天日了,我赶紧去看,看完后眼泪直流,真的好看、好笑又感人的一部片! 4.5/5