演员: Aidan Quinn ... John Berry Kelly Hu ... Sharon Crandall Dean Cain ... Cmdr. James Slan
更新时间: 10-07 04:29
资源状态: 可播放
Twelve miles above the Pacific Ocean, an errant missile strikes a state of the art passenger jet. The flight crew is crippled or dead. Now, defying both nature and man, a handful of survivors must achieve the impossible: Land the airplane.
lonelyknight 2007-08-17
Kibo 2007-12-02
蛮有意思的. 第一次看了个尾巴,今天碰巧看全了. **片泛滥的英雄主义它也有,但不同的是它还算真实,有恶有善, 还蛮***. 我像小时侯一样一如既往地喜欢看**中的英雄和感动地热泪盈眶啊....-_-""
XYZ 2008-02-25
we're running out of time.
Lost_Key 2013-06-13
Aidan Quinn**粉,我叔的电影必须得顶