发条老鼠原名:Clockwork Mice,
The relationship between Conrad (Rhuaidhri Conroy), a young boy with a troubled past, and his young, idealistic teacher Steve (Ian Hart) is examined in this highly regarded British film. In the ***** of a year Steve realises that he has become a friend, inspiration and hope to all the teachers and pupils and the special needs school, but he has had to ******* a tough initiation...
** 2024-03-10
***** Stony School位于Essex,1903-1905年设立,1994年8月31日关闭,是一所为孤儿与穷人提供教育的学校。影片拍摄于1995年,以该学校为原型,通过学生的混乱、教员的精疲力竭展现了特殊教育的困境。原以为Steve与Conrad的关系会走向升华,璞玉遇见伯乐,实际上却非常真实:天赋并非要成为成功的工具。奔跑就是热爱奔跑,而不是要去比赛。这些孩子眼里的东西太多,特别是Conrad,还有尼尔,无秩序与混乱成为这些孩子纾解压力、面对现实的屏障。 “42”成为全片的悬念,实际上这是Conrad在逃离现实,追逐不可能的梦想。作为教员,Steve还有着教书育人的初心,Polly早已不堪重负,两人的情感发展也受到了价值观的冲击。片子真实展现了学校日常,而没有做价值观上的升华。