

别名:Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure / Romp of Fanny Hill

演员: 莱提西娅·罗曼 米利亚姆·霍普金斯 尤利·隆美尔

上映时间:1964-09-25(西德) / 1965-03-10(美国)



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新荡女花妮 Lisa Foster 6.1
失落女人之家 莉娜·罗迈、Antonio Mayans 5.5
2. 丝奴/
6. 堕落/
7. 噩梦连连/ 12-01
8. 挑逗/ 04-12
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




荡女芬妮希尔原名:Fanny Hill,又名Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure、Romp of Fanny Hill

Young, pretty and innocent Fanny Hill has lost her parents and must find her way in life amidst the perils of turbulent 18th century London. She is fortunate enough to find rapidly a place as chambermaid of the effusive Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown lives in a large house teeming with female "relatives" in négligée and with very relaxed manners. She also insists that Fanny meets alone...

星光灿烂西瓜汁 2022-11-29


2Mirror 2024-01-29

情结大改特改,改得超无聊,这片子居然一点***没有,那还拍什么fanny hill。女主声音很夹,颜值凑合吧,男主是看过的三版里最***了,居然还有男主穿女装的戏份!不得不说他女装挺***。

蓝色神仙鱼 2023-11-14
