别名:Que faisaient les femmes pendant que l'homme marchait sur la lune?
演员: Marie Bunel Helene Vincent Mimie Mathy
Family Pack又名Que faisaient les femmes pendant que l'homme marchait sur la lune?。2000年剧情类型片,创作于**、加拿***利时、瑞士地区,具有法语语言版本。由Chris Vander Stappen执导,集众多位Marie Bunel、Helene Vincent、Mimie Mathy等著名实力派明星加盟。于2000-10-12公映。
July 1969 . After two years spent in Canada, Sacha is back in her small Belgian town. She has two disturbing news to break to her family : the first one is that instead of being married - or at least engaged - as expected - she has a Canadian ... girlfriend ! The second is not much better : instead of graduating as a radiologist in Montréal she has left medical school whereas a...
BullshitArtist 2020-08-29
longer 2015-07-20