法拉达: 最后一章在线观看和下载

法拉达: 最后一章(1988)

别名:法拉达:最后一章 / Fallada: The Last Chapter

演员: 乔格·古祖恩 尤塔·瓦卡维亚克 卡特琳·萨斯 科琳娜·哈弗奇 乌尔里克·克鲁比格尔




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《法拉达: 最后一章》剧情内容介绍

《法拉达: 最后一章》


法拉达: 最后一章原名:Fallada - letztes Kapitel,又名法拉达:最后一章、Fallada: The Last Chapter

1937 in Carwitz, Mecklenburg. The renowned writer Hans Fallada, recognised for literary works such as “Little Man, What Now?” and “Who Once Eats Out of the Tin Bowl”, can barely put pen to ***** anymore. He is drinking heavily, downing pills and is prone to outbursts of uncontrolled rage. And he has hardly made any progress on a commissioned work for the National Socialists. Wh...

Pierre Douce 2013-03-11
