this makes so much sense to me in ways i can’t even begin to describe and maybe **** than i’d like // justin kirk, so incredibly, flirtatiously, mischievously serious, so playfully intense, so dangerously at ease. i’ve never seen any other presence on screen so compellingly, ferociously nonchalant // 哇 用的居然是asobi seksu 的音乐耶
大大大**⭐️ 2022-08-22
this makes so much sense to me in ways i can’t even begin to describe and maybe **** than i’d like // justin kirk, so incredibly, flirtatiously, mischievously serious, so playfully intense, so dangerously at ease. i’ve never seen any other presence on screen so compellingly, ferociously nonchalant // 哇 用的居然是asobi seksu 的音乐耶
尘 2021-10-05
桎火 2017-01-26
风雨夜归人 2019-04-25
绿园林 2014-10-30
豆友YF9KyaNF_Y 2023-10-07
Ja 2023-05-13
两个小时流水账 accounting an unpleasant relationship between two unpleasant people. Just shut the **** up & go to hell ~