恶魔的游乐场原名:Devil's Playground,
Devil's Playground is a 2002 documentary film by Lucy Walker about the alleged Amish rite of passage called Rumspringa. The film follows Amish teenagers who enter the "English World" to decide whether they will be baptised as adults in the Amish community. They deal with problems in the outside world, which the Amish refer to as "the Devil's Playground," that do not exist in th...
Amber 2021-01-20
a documentary about Amish people and their culture.
René 2021-02-26
bugz 2010-02-10
Sundance电影节官方推荐影片,02,03年赢得了一堆影展奖项. 纪录片拍摄了虔诚的/禁欲的/对外封闭的Amish人们,在16岁时必须经过的一次人生考验,向人们展示了不无多数人所了解的Amish青年在选择今后生活时的思想斗争。
Enigma 2020-02-18
羊 2022-05-28
TairAlex 2016-09-24
x 2023-04-15
很raw 圣丹斯调调满溢 关注真正意义上与社会隔绝的Amish群体 2000s青少年这个视角本身就很吸引我 导演也很能用客观的的视角抓住amish teens的迷茫和挣扎 尤其是在学校郊外一些地方真的有看到过他们就把这个片子的真实性拉到了另一个级别 之前真的没有完全没听说过这个群体 但是这部纪录片可以说完全以我喜欢的口味瞥见了他们的生活