Elaine Stritch: At Liberty在线观看和下载

Elaine Stritch: At Liberty(2002)

演员: Elaine Stritch Rick Borutta Rob Bowman John Lahr George C. Wolfe




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《Elaine Stritch: At Liberty》剧情内容介绍

《Elaine Stritch: At Liberty》


Elaine Stritch: At Liberty

Reviews of the legiter "Elaine Stritch at Liberty" left no superlatives on the ***** -- the show was a tour de force combining comedy, drama, music and a singular life spent committed to the theater. ***'s docu widens the lens to expose even **** of Stritch, whether it be historical, pre-performance or in rehearsal, yet doesn't limn anything not covered in the one-woman show. T...

brennteiskalt 2016-01-25

这部终于让Elaine Stritch成为传奇的单人秀其实在写作方面并不出色,本子的质量游离于**到不错的区间,选择的曲目也毫无惊喜。但它有的是百分百的坦诚和一个百分百坦诚的表演,因此嬉笑怒骂到反躬自省都十分感人。这是一部特写版的A Chorus Line,讲得还是no business like show business那点事。

ofelia11 2018-08-08

Legendary lady, marvelous performance!

橙子换马甲 2020-01-15

这场的时候快80了,看起来精气神大概是我的一百倍吧。。其实作为一个stand up整体而言并不特别好笑,一些emotional的时刻估计很多现场观众也跟我一样不知道该怎么反应而陷入紧张。。而且我对在她的一生**现过的那些**的人都毫无概念,插入的歌也只知道company。。但还是能看出她很**。。就痛苦而**闪闪的一生。。(我也觉得她没有*** appeal所以可以只穿**跑来跑去但这不是优点吗!