德州巡警 第四季在线观看和下载

德州巡警 第四季(1995)

别名:得克萨斯巡警沃尔克 第四季

演员: 查克·诺瑞斯 小克拉伦斯·吉尔亚德 诺布尔·威林厄姆 希瑞·J.威尔森




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《德州巡警 第四季》


德州巡警 第四季原名:Walker, Texas Ranger Season 4,又名得克萨斯巡警沃尔克 第四季

Texas Ranger Cordell Walker, one of meijubar**** the last old-fashioned heroes of the West, is a protective friend but a relentless foe who will stop at nothing to bring a criminal to justice. Walker works on instinct, often drawing on the traditions of his Native American ancestors. His partner, James Trivette, has a **** modern approach to crime-solving. C.D. Parker, a retire...