

演员: 大卫·鲍伊 Breege Collins Angie Bowie

更新时间: 07-14 21:59

资源状态: 可播放







大卫·鲍伊:改变世界的男人原名:Bowie: The Man Who Changed the World,

BOWIE is a fascinating exploration of the life of a rock and roll icon who inspired a whole generation to become heroes.

咯咯精 2017-11-03


A S I L 2020-02-03


JUNWK1334 2020-11-11

哔哩哔哩佳片有约。访谈为主,有一些旧照片还挺***,他十几二十岁时候的小卷毛真的好可爱。Dana Gillespie说宝儿有个好生养的大**这段也……挺好笑的。

≌**** 2022-09-30

纪录片里的便宜货 从**呈现到旁白到切入点都很老气 信息量也一般 但也不能说完全没用

Rhodesia 2017-07-27

第一次看宝爷的编年体传记片,拍得很系统,对于八十年代以后的宝爷终于有个清楚概念了。大致感想,任何一个**他都一定能独领**,但还是感谢六十年代的文化土壤。一个细节,领先**二十年的Bowie bond…

姐姐 2018-10-13

Bowie deserves a better documentary. 丝毫没有诚意话都说不利索甚至没有花钱拿到哪怕一首歌的版权放在片子里且伴随着浓浓的***气味 good *** Netflix

K. 2018-03-08

Each time I know a bit **** about him, I get **** confirmed that he never really belonged to earth. He is the ***** man, the Mars alien, the forever ****. He is better than everything one can ever dream of. He is even **** than stardust.

Charlie 2021-02-09


Février 2021-03-09

"Discipline is if you conceive something, then you decide whether or not it's worth following through. And if it's worth following through, then you follow it through to its logical conclusion, and do it to the best of your ability."

光纤 2022-07-01

2.5 太平庸了,叙述了一遍发生的事。偏重于早期。