多一次机会原名:One More Chance,又名In Love Again
Longtime couple Basha (Bea Alonzo) and Popoy (John Lloyd Cruz) are practically inseparable, so when they split up, it's not surprising how heartbroken each feels. But Basha, stifled by the relationship, wants to spread her wings, and Popoy loves her too much to stand in her way. Struggling to build their lives anew, the onetime lovers face daily reminders of their happier times...
Heyson 2024-08-22
“两个心智成熟的人才能真正相爱。” 导演(《靠近你》2006)非常善于捕捉家人朋友热闹无间的生活氛围,镜头语言也富于动感。 JLC和Bea Alonzo表演好,火花更好。 分手、后悔、破镜重圆,肥皂剧式的爱恨情仇。但我一直都很喜欢肥皂剧的温暖细腻。
January 2017-03-31