his most interesting thingis not so much the commonplace theatrical structure (and the possibility of nesting), but the fact that almost all of his works contain large, three-dimensional symbols(in the form of "icons"),which are always processed through faint sounds/possessions, so that they are always huge nightmares that are never clearly defined
字母君 2023-09-12
女儿在自己身上找到母亲,恶灵附着于言语和角色(言语之于电影媒介,大概就是高桥cursed images般的怪异影像?),戏中戏结构比起《****之灵》有点过于复杂了,内容也更晦涩难懂,现在看起来这两部作品在叙事上似乎都有一点点里维特的影响?虽然和前作中的731部队、***、科廷利仙女照片一样,仍然看不明白导演为什么要引用陈丽春和贝塔西的历史档案,故事本身和《厌女症》到底有什么关系…… 高桥洋依旧是制造恐怖气氛的大师,只需参透“熟悉的东西变得陌生”“事物出现在它本不该在的地方”这两大J horror精髓,简陋的投影特效和挂在亮处的寻常红裙便也足以让人胆战心惊。
NanSLi 2023-07-08
Slzyc541 2023-08-31
看不懂但震撼.gif 从地缚闹鬼故事到梦境和虚构创作混合,分不清现实只能从只言片语里辨别出一些表达。摄影/打光很漂亮(lofi?),高桥洋确实很懂j-horror,这种随意表达的**创作应该很开心吧,老爷子开心就好(
恐怖小贤 2024-02-13
这部恐怖电影是以一栋令人毛骨悚然的西式建筑为背景,以两位女演员为中心,她们上演了一个与被诅咒**有关的故事。 女演员兼剧作家娜奥米邀请曾经抢了自己丈夫的女演员水木到她租的一处山间别墅,并开始排练戏剧。 主题是一位母亲的神秘**案。 当水木扮演**母亲的女儿的角色时,她开始怀疑这件事就发生在这座豪宅中。
鵝毛玉絮髒狸奴 2024-10-07
his most interesting thingis not so much the commonplace theatrical structure (and the possibility of nesting), but the fact that almost all of his works contain large, three-dimensional symbols(in the form of "icons"),which are always processed through faint sounds/possessions, so that they are always huge nightmares that are never clearly defined
取名字大师 2022-11-26
dama 2024-10-10