Who is watching who in the zoo? Is it the visitors watching the animals, or do the animals consider the visitors to be a nice view. Dutch director Bert Haanstra placed hidden cameras in the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, filming both the reactions of animal and man on eachother.
看不见的城市 2010-11-23
介意 2018-09-29
We simply are not entitled to side with animals, or are we?
stknight 2012-03-04
Who is watching who in the zoo? Is it the visitors watching the animals, or do the animals consider the visitors to be a nice view. Dutch director Bert Haanstra placed hidden cameras in the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam, filming both the reactions of animal and man on eachother.
看不见的城市 2010-11-23
介意 2018-09-29
We simply are not entitled to side with animals, or are we?
蓝色**星球 2020-12-15
木果 2018-05-28
漩涡之外 2024-04-22
还在* 2019-01-05
伊齐多尔 2022-05-29
我们透过囚笼观察动物,动物也在透过囚笼观察我们。 市民阶级百态,剪辑教科书。
无复流 2021-04-05
一般我评价这种人文色彩更强的短片的第一标准就是“我能不能拍出来”(不是自大,只是想看看这个idea是否平庸) 人类和动物的类比,人类和人类的类比,人类与动物的互动……人类不就是动物吗?动物在笼子里看笼子里的人。 很欢快和有意思的小短片。 P.S.很好奇里面有多少是演员,还是都是导演偶然拍下来的“巧合”。
shujikioi 2020-12-02
太可爱了! 我喜欢动物啊啊 北京动物园回暖安排起!