可惜她是一个娼妇原名:Dommage qu'elle soit une putain,又名Pity! She's a Whore
Giovanni holds tender feelings for his sister Annabella, who is pregnant and about to marry Soranzo, although she's not saying he's the father. But Soranzo discovers that his betrothed is deceiving him. When Vasquez, Soranzo's, valet discovers the truth, he helps his ****** concoct a revenge plot. A big ***** is announced and Giovanni, his parents, and everyone in the **** are ...
Semper Violae 2024-02-16
柏林苍穹下 2024-01-18
维斯康蒂执导的舞台剧,*****与罗密·施耐德主演,现存7分钟残片在线:https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1jN4y1A7Yk/ 。
Aislinn 2022-10-07
阿成 2021-10-08
#六分钟残片# 形式上是舞台剧。德龙与罗密的大段对话,一些表现主义式的肢体动作,无处不显夸张的姿态,不知全片会是怎样,难以评价。
Eclipse 2024-09-19
bluespaceship 2023-09-13
半卧在床上哀求的阿兰&手持花环的罗密&轮流亲吻佩剑的恋人 文本采自17世纪John Ford的爱情故事,舞台剧还是挺考验演员台词功底的,幕后照里维导亲自给阿兰画眼线,如果那时维导的**舞台剧有完整版官摄就好。1971年朱塞佩·帕特罗尼还拍了一部同名电影Addio fratello crudele,后来帕特罗尼也和维导帕导等一众导**了《**》。