3.5 Brigadier in a kilt!尼斯湖水怪是寂寞如雪的Zygon的阴谋...50周年里那几只Zygon和四叔时期的相比简直美若天仙
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-12-01
Definitely one of the **** boring Baker stories, cos it's basically a callback to Pertwee/UNIT era that I never liked. Certainly just like Robot, the Doctor is different, which always makes a bit **** interesting-- here he's optimistically mocking the stupidity of the villains' invasion plan with little to none seriousness (cos it truly doesn't make sense, and they keep explaining their evil plan! Is the show self-aware and doing parody though?). And of course Sarah is always a better companion who has a lot to do.
黑桃生 2021-04-25
SundanceKid🌈 2015-05-02
3.5 Brigadier in a kilt!尼斯湖水怪是寂寞如雪的Zygon的阴谋...50周年里那几只Zygon和四叔时期的相比简直美若天仙
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-12-01
Definitely one of the **** boring Baker stories, cos it's basically a callback to Pertwee/UNIT era that I never liked. Certainly just like Robot, the Doctor is different, which always makes a bit **** interesting-- here he's optimistically mocking the stupidity of the villains' invasion plan with little to none seriousness (cos it truly doesn't make sense, and they keep explaining their evil plan! Is the show self-aware and doing parody though?). And of course Sarah is always a better companion who has a lot to do.
c.cornix🍀 2023-11-24
內有刀餵食尼斯湖水怪的珍貴畫面 Zygon誰設計的 正臉像猩猩背面看像玉米全身覆蓋吸盤配上又紅又綠的光效和不知道為什麼只能輕聲說話的設定 簡直太搞笑了 是什麼冷幽默嗎 聽得我都不會講話了 我:*whisper**whisper* 刀不是被強行登艦 就是主動邀請遭拒絕 XDD
红A 2024-01-09
mono 2013-02-09
brolly 2014-02-05
Zygon看来不仅**好,手活也好,每次切到控制室的画面跟拍**【划掉】似的 还有原来同伴和博士之间的关系...呆萌Harry就这么走了吗QAQ
litanerr 2013-12-09
【1301TomBaker】出差到苏格兰拿尼斯湖水怪作梗还是挺有劲的 就是zygon长太丑 为何总是轻声讲话 结尾Harry竟然就这么离开了 说起来魔法特难道是四任**粉 50周年里不提怒刷存在感的长围巾和片尾本尊登场 连外星人都是四爷任期内的zygon!!
Olsen 2021-08-26
印象最深的是准将穿苏格兰短裙。 Sarah吐舌头极度可爱。 You admire our technology, human? Well, I'm not human, and I've seen better.
****** Faust 2012-03-05
这集真心不好看。完全就是博士版的奥特曼,还有小怪兽呢>..< 最后harry居然不跟博士和SJS一起走,他和sarah在一起该多好啊T.T