演员: Peter Senner Guilherme de Pádua Yves Jansen Margarita Schmidt José Carlos Berenguer
地下生活原名:Via Appia,
Frank, a (HIV infected) former Lufthansa steward, goes back to Rio from Germany with a film crew to look for Mario, a young man with whom he had a one night stand. Before Mario departed the morning after, he left a message scrawled in soap on the bathroom mirror: 'Welcome to the **** club'. Frank and his director hire a fast talking hustler named José (Guilherme di Padua) to he...
麝明 Musk Ming 2022-06-18
纪录片风格的剧**,以德国电视台资助下的寻人名义,拍摄了八十年代末德国游客视角的里约同志***——片名即地名: Via Appia
ryan 2010-02-15
我覺得唯一的評論似乎不怎麼對..全片mario沒出場 只有照片 F在重復M的留言 尋找過程中遇見的joe似乎給他帶來了什麼 說實話連英文字幕都沒找到 實在很難明白 最後步入大海 再自然地走回沙灘 在joe偷走相機之後 這究竟意味著什麼..街頭***的鏡頭還真瞠舌!