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变态者意识形态指南 斯拉沃热·齐泽克 9.1
1. 冰山的阴影/ 12-05
2. 棉花/ 06-13
6. 苦湖/
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




帝国的尽头原名:Impērijas gals,又名End of Empire

An exploration of the changes in the Soviet Union. Includes footage of the failed coup against Gorbachev. While ****** this film the director, Yuris Podnieks, was arrested, beaten and had his camera confisticated.  In 1987, Juris Podnieks and his team began a series of films describing the inevitable changes in the Soviet Union during the Perestroika era. Podnieks went to the ra...

稻草铃 2023-01-31

珍贵的历史资料 关于苏联解体: 八一九**与紧急状态委员会 圣彼得堡街头的罢工与** 采访萨哈罗夫和叶利钦(包括两人的演讲 前者在议会 后者在街头)波罗的海歌唱**和波罗的海之路 以及乌克兰****颁布后议会中的欢呼 PS: 想看找窝捏

熊仔俠 2012-08-20

非常強大的歷史蒙太奇!能夠捕捉到蘇聯歷史上個個珍貴影像的Juris Podnieks為首的攝影隊付出了不少代價。攝影隊有兩名成員就在黑海騷亂中喪命。