Alex Abramov is Mossad secret agent looking after some bad guys. He falls in love with young music student Thea, but can not reveal himself and sends her gifts secretly. Thea first thinks that it must be another student, G.R., who sends gifts, and bad guys, knowing about Alex's feelings towards Thea, attack G.R. by mistake.
故乡的晨曦 2020-06-25
应用层协议 2022-09-25
Minotaur是指希腊神话中的弥诺陶洛斯,也就是牛头人。***那幅速写基本概括了故事的梗概:怪物也渴望天使(or凡人?)的触碰,但终究求而不得。整个故事情节并不复杂,但讲述得有些意义不明,你必须结合片头片尾字幕透露出的本片深厚的以色列背景,大致能明白这是一部献给以色列秘密战线人士的自怜之作。女主角Mili Avital真美啊!