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de una isla(2019)




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《de una isla》相关推荐

2. 花之绽放/ 05-16
3. 沙滩小屋/ 09-21
5. 猫食/ 10-29
6. 魔女之夜/ 12-14
7. 房子的梦/ 12-14
8. 旅行日志/ 01-06
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 犯罪都市4/ 07-03
11. 海关战线/ 06-14
12. 功夫熊猫4/ 04-10

《de una isla》剧情内容介绍

《de una isla》


de una isla原名:De una isla,

A poetic approach to the island of Lanzarote.  Using only black and white footage accompanied by factual titles and a sparse piano and cello score, José Luis Guerin revives the language of silent cinema to capture the jagged textures of the landscape of Lanzarote and evoke its turbulent history. Yet De una isla is anything but stuck in the past: these 16 mm images are alive with...

木易 2023-09-11

B站牛仔C麦UP 非常实验 基本看不明白想表示啥 音乐不错

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