Desire Management
Watching address: ****://***.metacafe****/watch/bg-118983/desire_management/ ****://***.dailymotion****/video/x547r0_desire-management_shortfilms ****://***.babelgum****/118983/desire-management.html A 11-minute film consisting in 5 short stories that reveals the dissident behaviors people adopt to recover from or interact with memories. #1: A Japanese man who lost his virginit...
chipsandyogurt 2018-04-14
Noam Toran ***** artist and designer
弯弯 2010-02-03
new outlook on creative film ******!
丁 2018-10-13
一些执念 一些** 一些梦想 一些怪癖
ParkingLot 2020-02-04