德尔菲:古代世界的肚脐原名:Delphi: Bellybutton of the Ancient World,
What really went on at the ancient Greek oracle at Delphi, how did it get its awesome reputation and why is it still influential today? Michael Scott of Cambridge University uncovers the secrets of the most famous oracle in the ancient world. A vital force in ancient history for a thousand years it is now one of Greece's most beautiful tourist sites, but in its time it has been...
MFish_ 2012-05-31
超越城邦界限的希腊世界之中心, 也自然成为大家炫耀财富与实力的地方.. 神谕的影响力真是不可估量.. "know thyself"很早就知道了, 原来后面还有个"nothing in excess"..
sarah🇺🇦 2015-05-23
沉舟客 2018-02-13
Solar Flare 2024-07-05
6月去德尔斐的时候镇上人还挺少的纪录片里咋那么多人!看到了很多熟悉的景色还有熟悉的三岔路口的餐厅立马开始怀念了 总觉得我的一部分灵魂也留在了希腊 德尔斐是泛希腊世界的noticeboard这个说法太喜欢了 这才真正明白世界肚脐的含义 以及俄狄浦斯必须在这里面对命运的crossroad是多么顺理成章!
ζωήιδ 2018-08-17
知止 2022-12-24