David Gilmour: Live in Gdańsk在线观看和下载

David Gilmour: Live in Gdańsk(2008)

演员: David Gilmour Richard Wright




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《David Gilmour: Live in Gdańsk》剧情内容介绍

《David Gilmour: Live in Gdańsk》


David Gilmour: Live in Gdańsk

Live In Gdańsk is a live album by David Gilmour. It is a part of his On an Island ******* which includes an album, tour, DVD, and live album. It was released on 22 September 2008.  It is a recording of the final show of his On an Island tour in 2006, where he played to an audience of 50,000 at the Gdańsk Shipyard to celebrate Poland's 1980 revolution.  The show is notable for bei...

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https://***.bilibili****/video/av12306068?from=search&seid=10966679181021540282 ←传送门。

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经常找出来重看 大卫吉尔莫每一场个人演出都各有各的味道 格但斯克这场更是精品中的精品 因为演了我最爱的,on an island里的很多曲目

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High hopes这首歌的最好版本并且经常听 才知道结尾的solo并不是同一个乐器发出来的... 总之老头子很忙。。