David Bowie: Day in Day Out在线观看和下载

David Bowie: Day in Day Out(1987)

别名:Day-In Day-Out

演员: 大卫·鲍伊 Rick Burks Kathy Foy




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《David Bowie: Day in Day Out》相关推荐

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《David Bowie: Day in Day Out》剧情内容介绍

《David Bowie: Day in Day Out》


David Bowie: Day in Day Out又名Day-In Day-Out

David Bowie performs in the music video "Day-In Day-Out" from the album "Never Let Me Down" recorded for EMI. Two angels appear over a young child. A woman walks the streets of Los Angeles with a toddler. A prostitute narrowly escapes assault before she is arrested by the police. A young couple raise a toddler before their house is attacked by the LAPD.

Panda的影音 2020-05-03

David Bowie: Day-In Day-Out (1987):https://video.tudou****/v/XMTc5OTA4MzEyNA==.html