

演员: 比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗 迈克·德特 特雷·库尔 Jason White




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The film takes you inside the world of Green Day, chronicling the conceptualizing and recording of their current musical trilogy (Green Day ¡Uno! Green Day ¡Dos! Green Day ¡Tré!) and featuring intimate live performances that took place along the way.

🍄 2022-07-23

真的好喜欢看你抽烟干活啊宝贝 almost like给自己放了场电影(addiction. get it? show me the money or dare i struggling. he be willing to work however hard as long as he can to make em. 100% devotion. also that blunt text message must be a harbinger of things to come. what do u mean u miss me u want to come to meet me, is that some kind of a sick joke or *** for real? i mean

oneway1621 2013-12-15

记着国内有个乐队说GD是“为数不多的在当打之年的配得上叫ROCK STAR的乐队”,看了这个纪录片深有同感,三部曲的歌在这里面都挺好听,但我还是喜欢不起来。看来比起GD我还是更喜欢朋克啊

比格披萨配送员 2020-07-12

2020年已看纪录片19/tre cool太可爱了!!!

鹿纹休克 2013-12-17


在江北躁动着 2014-10-10

我愿称你们为大师,祝长命百岁。punk never ***

矿泉水放生者 2018-03-10

Nirvana之后美国朋克空缺位继承者Green Day,听着片中的插曲一直从开头燃爆到结尾。

郑轶伦 2013-12-25


Choux 2013-12-11

GREEN DAY每次找的演唱会实录和纪录片团队都太棒了。一起成长一起成熟一起变老。亲爱的老男孩们,只要听到熟悉的***,就可以永远PUNK下去!

Mighty III 2019-02-26

Youngblood!! 精神状态太嗨了,从奥克兰小盲流儿,到世界闻名的大乐队,永远保持年轻,甚至返老还童,可惜这辈子是体验不到这种感觉了,只能演唱会上燥一燥了。还有个个儿动手能力太强,运动细菌太多。

drunk cat 2014-04-07
